Membership Applications
Attention Scouts! Your Adventure Starts Here.
Scouting is an adventure like no other! Joining Scouts gives you the opportunity to explore new things, meet new friends, and have a ton of fun along the way. There is something for everyone in Scouts, whether you’re interested in camping, hiking, fishing, or any of the other great activities we offer. So, what are you waiting for? Join today and start your adventure!
Start your Scouting journey here:
Find a Unit Near You
Need help finding a local Troop or Pack?
Parents can sign-up on this site as well using the online applications.
Or give us a call at 417-883-1636, and we can help make the connection.
Register with BSA Youth Application
Be sure to collect all signatures and fill it out completely.
Turn in your application
Or submit it directly to your Unit Leader or District Executive Applications can also be submitted in person at the Springfield Scout Office located at: 1616 S Eastgate Ave, Springfield, MO 65809
Are you interested in being a Scout leader?
Leaders are a vital part of the Scouting program. As a leader, you provide guidance, support, and direction to Scouts as they progress through their program. Leaders also play an important role in helping Scouts develop into responsible young adults.
If you are interested in becoming a Scout leader, follow the steps below:
Take Youth Protection Training (YPT)
Need help finding a local Troop or Pack?
(You will be asked to sign in or create an account and issued a BSA Membership number.)
*BSA Adult Applications will NOT be processed without proof of completed YPT*
Register with BSA Adult Application
(Be sure to complete the form in its entirety!)
All adult leader applications must be accepted and approved by the head of the chartered organization or the chartered organization representative. The Scout executive or designee must approve all adults who answer “yes” to any “Additional Information” question on the adult application. Applications will not be accepted without all questions answered.
Turn in your application
Your completed application will not be accepted if it is missing any of the following info:
- Printed and Current Youth Protection Certification
- Signed and completed Background Check form
- Charter Organization Signature
- All Necessary Applicant Signatures and Initials
Or submit it directly to your Unit Leader or District Executive. Applications can also be submitted in person at the Springfield Scout Office located at: 1616 S Eastgate Ave, Springfield, MO 65809